Colors are passion, emotions and personality. At Siegwerk, inks and coatings are our specialty and we use color to bring the packaging and products of our customers to life.
At Incoplast, flexographic printing has always been the bottleneck in production and therefore the company had actually planned to buy a sixth press to eliminate the obstructions and finally achieve the self-set target of 500 tons of production per month. After working with the Siegwerk PMC team to optimize their processes, this major investment is no longer needed.
The existing five machines now have so much capacity that they can handle a lot of new business. Julio Cesar Camello, Vice President Industrial Operations Incoplast/SC said: “We now have very modern processes at top standards. These are the best prerequisites for new challenges.”
The results of the comprehensive restructuring project include:
- The performance of all presses increased by more than nine percent
- A 44 percent increase in print speed
- A 37 percent reduction of set-up times
- And downtimes that were reduced by 15 percent after the first workshops
All in all the optimization helped Incoplast to significantly reduce process costs around the flexographic printing plant in the first year after starting the collaboration with the Siegwerk PMC team. With that Siegwerk also fulfilled the promise made at the start of the project, according to which the customer would be able to significantly reduce their costs in the first 12 months with effective use of PMC tools.
The secret of the success story from Brazil:
First of all, Incoplast was open to accept any support from its ink supplier and Siegwerk was able to apply its entire range of customer support tools to this case. From Technology (optimized ink) to InHouse and On-Site Consulting – every section of PMC was involved. “Incoplast is an ideal blueprint for what we are capable of achieving, and that is why the success is so clear,” said Frank Dauth, Head of Global OSC Services at Siegwerk.
To have a full view of the Incoplast success story with Siegwerk’s PMC team, have a look here.