
Associations and Memberships


Achieving more together

Siegwerk is a proud member of a number of industry associations and organizations. We firmly believe that it is important to join forces with others in order to promote responsible business practices, both within our own company and beyond.

Through our membership in these associations and organizations, we have the opportunity to share our expert knowledge and convictions with others who are committed to similar goals. We are convinced that only by working together can we make a lasting difference.

Particularly important to us is involvement in initiatives that promote sustainable development.

4evergreen alliance
Association des Fabricants Dencres Dimprimerie (AFEI)
All India Printing Ink Manufacturers Association (AIPIMA)
La Asociación Mexicana de Etiqueteros (AMETIQ)
Association of Plastic Recyclers in North America (APR)
Asociacion Espanola de Fabricantes de Pinturas y tintas de imprimir (ASEFAPI)
Associazione Italiana di inchiostri (AVISA/Federchemica)
British Coatings Federation (BCF)
British Sort Run Labelling Association (BSRLA)
Conseil Européen de l'Industrie des Peintures, des Encres d'Imprimerie et des Couleurs d'Arts (CEPE)
Collaborative project of a European consortium of companies representing the entire value chain of fexible packaging (CEFLEX)
Circular Plastics Alliance
CosPaTox Consortium – Cosmetics, Packaging and Toxicology (CosPaTox)
Flexodruck Fachverband e.V. (DFTA)
Deutsches Verpackungsinstitut e. V. (DVI)
European Packaging design association (EPDA)
European Rotogravure Association e. V. (ERA)
European Printing Ink Association (EuPIA)
Féderation INternationale des fabricants et transformateurs d'Adhésifs et Thermocollants sur papiers et autres supports (FINAT)
Flexible Packaging Association United States (FPA)
Flexographic Technical Association (FTA)
Food Drink Europe
Flexible Packaging Association (FPA)
HolyGrail 2.0
Institut für Verfahrenstechnik Papier (IVP)
Label Manufacturers Association of India LMAI()
National Association of Print Ink Manufacturers (NAPIM)
Packaging Association of Canada (PAC)
Petcore Europe
Polska Izba Fleksografow (PIF)
Plastic Recyclers Europe
Frontline Action to Stop Ocean Plastic Pollution (Project STOP)
Responsible Care
Save Food
Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (SEDEX)
Swedish Flexo association (SweFlex)
Tag and Label Manufacturers Institute (TLMI)
Verband der Lack- und Druckfarbenindustrie (VdL)
Verband der Hersteller selbstklebender Etiketten (VskE)
Verband der Schweizerischer Lack-und Farbenindustrie e.V. (VSLF)
Vereniging van Verf-en Drukinktfabrikanten (VVVF)