Colors are passion, emotions and personality. At Siegwerk, inks and coatings are our specialty and we use color to bring the packaging and products of our customers to life.
INKday concept wins marketing award
At the award ceremony in Düsseldorf, POSMA president Ingo Nassau said: “In the eighth year of our POS Marketing Awards we’re increasingly experiencing brand owners and agencies cooperating as a team, focusing on quality and stringency and implementing POS marketing as a core element of their marketing mix.”
That’s certainly true for Siegwerk’s cooperation with DoIt!, as Thomas Bastian (head of Marketing at Flexible Packaging) explains: “The chemistry between DoIt! and ourselves was simply fantastic. They immediately grasped the way our customers think and feel – and jointly, we put something really new together.”
In a very special way, the “INKdays” emphasized Siegwerk’s international orientation along with its quality awareness and innovation drive. The events in eight European cities were geared to the entire packaging value chain and designed to maintaining customer loyalty – as well as addressing potential new customers.
About 50 to 80 guests per event spent two days in an environment devoted to art: galleries, museums, studios or lofts. Siegwerk presented its own products and solutions in the midst of the art exhibits – for instance, two component ink and lacquer systems, ink series for retortable stand-up pouches, cold seal and shrink sleeve applications. There were lectures and group workshops in these inspiring surroundings, and the end of each event was marked by a visit to a unique restaurant serving regional cuisine.
The series came to an end in Siegburg itself where about 300 guests exchanged experiences on topics like application safety, optimized processes, innovation and sustainability in packaging. There was also an “information supermarket”, where experts offered insights on individual areas like dairy products, confectionary, drinks and body hygiene products. The Siegwerk experts explained various solutions Siegwerk has developed and looked at current packaging trends.