Colors are passion, emotions and personality. At Siegwerk, inks and coatings are our specialty and we use color to bring the packaging and products of our customers to life.
Siegwerk is committed to food packaging safety
“Siegwerk fully supports food safety within the areas under its control”, says CEO Herbert Forker. This commitment covers all products manufactured or marketed for application to the non-food contact surface of food packaging materials and articles. Siegwerk’s commitment comprises of the following principles laid down by the European Printing Ink Association (EuPIA):
- the principle of placing consumer safety first;
- compliance with relevant legislation currently in force and the resultant legal requirements in order to ensure a high level of consumer safety;
- the principles of transparency and information sharing to enable compliance within the packaging supply chain, whilst preserving appropriate commercial confidentiality and respecting competition law rules;
- the supply of products fit for the intended purpose as mutually defined between each company and its customers;
- the concept of risk and exposure assessment in accordance with internationally recognized scientific principles;
- the principles and implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices, including audit processes;
- the principle of continuous improvement in consumer safety in the light of any new scientific findings; and
- following EuPIA crisis management procedures, or equivalents, in the event of an incident related to a food packaging ink.