Colors are passion, emotions and personality. At Siegwerk, inks and coatings are our specialty and we use color to bring the packaging and products of our customers to life.
Images shot at Siegwerk India at Bhiwadi, India for Siegwerk Germany November 2017. Images shot by Corporate & Industrial Photographers Mr. Guru Dutt & Ms. Sharmila of Guru Dutt Photography, Mumbai, India Guru Dutt Photography Extensive Experience in Corporate, Industrial, Aerial, Digital Photography & High Definition Videography / Corporate Films. D-7, Saraswat Colony, Laburnum Road, Off Hughes Road, Gamdevi, Mumbai-400007 Mobile: +0091- 98200 81882 (or) +0091- 9322281585 Web: http://gurudutt.com Email: [email protected] (or) [email protected]
Siegwerk, one of the leading suppliers of printing inks for packaging applications worldwide, continues its global commitment to product and consumer safety by providing customers the highest quality products and services. In India, Siegwerk has further strengthened its portfolio by moving to toluene free inks.
The unfavourable toxicological and organoleptic properties of toluene are the driving factors in moving away from the solvent. This move further supports the strategy of global brand, which have restricted or even completely banned the usage of toluene in ink formulations intended for food packaging.
In principle, in the manufacture of all products supplied by Siegwerk for NP&H (Nutrition, Pharma & Hygiene) applications, toluene or raw materials containing toluene are not used as intentionally-added ingredients. Siegwerk has a strong commitment to safe inks for all kind of applications and has, as a result, committed to toluene-free production in India. The Siegwerk Bhiwadi site is now toluene free and does not use toluene in its manufacturing processes. To ensure compliance and rule out any possibility of cross contamination, Siegwerk India has established adequate controls to guarantee the inks delivered to customers are toluene free.
Increasing awareness
Siegwerk has been aware of the need for safe printing inks for packaging applications from the beginning and has made ink safety one of its guiding principles. Today, the company is a global leader in providing product safety guidance and has an expert team exclusively dedicated to this. Siegwerk’s product safety guidance includes global regulatory compliance, brand owner requirements and risk assessments. This ensures products are safe for the end-use applications. All this is reflected in the launch of the new Ink Safety Portal.
The Ink Safety Portal
Siegwerk’s Ink Safety Portal (https://ink-safety-portal.siegwerk.com) is all about knowledge sharing. More specifically, the expert platform offers condensed knowledge on crucial Product Safety and Regulatory (PSR) topics with regard to printing ink ingredients, regulatory affairs, exposure assessments and safety evaluations.
This results in a diverse collection of the key elements relating to the subject of safe printing inks and safe food packaging. Siegwerk is thus bundling its expertise, making it available to customers and interested parties. The portal underlines Siegwerk’s claim to stand apart from the competition through high-quality services in the field of product safety.
Media Contact:
Priyadarshini Vadrevou
[email protected]
Deepesh Rawat
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