Colors are passion, emotions and personality. At Siegwerk, inks and coatings are our specialty and we use color to bring the packaging and products of our customers to life.
Siegwerk Award “Newspaper Printer of the Year” goes to Freiburger Druck
An independent, 22-person jury consisting of experienced representatives involved in printing procurement, as well as from agencies and printing companies agreed that Freiburger Druck deserved the prize again. In 2008, the jury had come to the conclusion that “you can’t do it any better,” but now, they explained the third Siegwerk Award for Freiburger Druck by saying: “We have learned that the escalation of ‘being better’ is ‘remaining better.”
Quality and environmental awareness from the Black Forest
In early 2006, Freiburger Druck was the first German printing company to migrate to environmentally friendly waterless offset printing with the compact rotation press KBA Cortina – before other printing houses followed suit. And Freiburger Druck continues to play an exemplary role in lean cold-set production focused on quality and protection of the environment. Even in the crisis year of 2009, production increased to a volume of about 273 million copies – showing that permanent investment in quality and environment protection pays off. In the same year, the company received the Freiburger Umweltpreis (Freiburg environment prize) for carbon neutrality. Works director Patrick Zürcher is now particularly proud of the company’s third Siegwerk Award: “Getting to be successful is often quite easy, but remaining successful for years is the art of being better.”
The Siegwerk Award
The Druck&Medien Awards have become a fixture on the market. About 500 representatives of the printing and media sectors attended the award ceremony in 2010. The prizes – including the Siegwerk-sponsored “Newspaper Printer of the Year” - have come to be regarded as the most prestigious in the industry.