Colors are passion, emotions and personality. At Siegwerk, inks and coatings are our specialty and we use color to bring the packaging and products of our customers to life.
Q: What is the event “Gallus Innovation Days” about?
A: Gallus has hosted the event “Innovation Days” in 2014 for the first time and as it was such a success they organized it this year in an even bigger scale than two years ago. 16 exhibitors and partners of Gallus presented their offering to around 900 visitors from around the world – mainly decision-makers of the industry. Gallus uses its event to unveil its new future machine generation and presented a pre-series model of the latest Gallus Label Platform to the participants for the first time. “Gallus Innovation Days” is an ideal platform to meet and exchange with partners and customers from the Narrow Web printing business. That’s exactly why Siegwerk was participating this year.
Q: How are Gallus and Siegwerk working together?
A: Both companies have a very close partnership since years. There are different ways how we work together like for example the testing of our inks on Gallus platforms or the support in line with press machine acceptances or the collaboration in specific customer projects. Gallus is one of our trusted partners who also uses our inks in its own showroom. We are very happy that we could be part of this year’s “Gallus Innovation Days” event and the world premiere of its new state-of-the-art platform called “Labelmaster”.
Q: What were the dominating topics or innovations of the event?
A: The presentation of Gallus’ new Labelmaster press was definitively the spectacular highlight of the show and dominated conversations and discussions during participants during the event days. The pre-series model of the latest development from Gallus is for sure an impressive innovation for label converters: It is designed for fast set-up times, produces low waste, and performs with high printing speed. It was very exciting to be present for this technical world premiere.
Q: What were the trending topics of discussions with visitors stopping at Siegwerk’s booth?
A: Trending topics were for example the newest technical developments in LED UV curing as well as low migration systems, their strengths and opportunities. All in all, the event “Gallus Innovation Days” was a good platform for Siegwerk to present us as co-supplier, exchange and discuss trends and market changes with other suppliers and identify potential new customers. My colleague Marc Larvor, Head of Technical Marketing at Siegwerk, was also a speaker at the “Gallus Expert Forum” and gave insights about how to print safe food packaging using UV. His presentation was very well received by the participants. Herewith, the event gave us a fantastic opportunity to position us as an expert and though leader at the market – especially for UV printing.