Colors are passion, emotions and personality. At Siegwerk, inks and coatings are our specialty and we use color to bring the packaging and products of our customers to life.
For the second time the INKdays inspired customers on the Bosporus
Following the successfully initial event in Utrecht, Netherlands, Siegwerk continued its “INKday series 99” in Instanbul, Turkey. “The ‘99’ is the motto of this year’s INKday series because the Siegwerk brand will be celebrating its 100th birthday next year,” explained Thomas Bastian, Marketing Director Flexible Packaging. As the name suggests, the event concentrates on the subject of “ink” once again this year. But INK also means Innovation, News and Know-how.
More than 200 participants turned the INKdays, which were held in the state-of-the-art meeting and event center “The Seed”, into an exciting and informative event. Guests from the whole of the packaging industry, brand manufacturers and representatives of the press actively seized on the different activities offered.
The conference was divided into two parts: During the morning, different specialist lectures were held during “INKspeech”. Hugo Noordhoek Hegt, Siegwerk Board member, and Thomas Reiner, CEO at Berndt&Partner Packaging Consultants, informed listeners about new management strategies and recipes of success. In the second lecture block, Rob Vermeulen, Director of Vermeulen / Brand Design, and Graham Houlder, Sloop Consulting, dealt specifically with the importance of packaging and inks for modern brand presentation on the basis of interesting case studies.
The interactive part then followed in the afternoon. During the “INKtalks”, specialist dialogues could be held with representatives of Siegwerk’s Flexible Packaging business unit. Similar to the “speed dating” principle, a course of subjects was set up at a total of five columns, with subjects ranging from the latest developments in the field of 2K systems, printing possibilities from the field of HSE to important news from the printing industry. The “INKinsight” offered two interesting workshops. The subject of the first workshop was the latest in printing ink developments in sheetfed/offset, the second dealt with efficiency in label printing.
The Siegwerk 99 party was a suitable finale at a breathtaking location directly on the Bosporus.